Monday, February 12, 2018

Week 5: Privilege as a Position

 Week 5: Privilege as a Position

This week we are reading by Cosmopolis by Don DeLillo. I feel like in this novel we are really detached from the characters especially the main character. The central character is always talking and seemingly knowing about his future. It seems we are more to observe rather than experience with the character. I feel like the novel is just a big discussion and it's not really "commercial". 
For the writing assignment we need to discuss about privilege and power, the main character is obviously rich and he has a lot of money. 
In the novel, class is identified with clothes, the anti-globalists wearing dirty clothes or the rich people who are overdressed. It's almost like the middle class doesn't exist in the novel. We see that he has so much money with items and can get what he wants when it comes to girls. Throughout the novel I feel like a lot of people pointed a gun at Eric and he just simply doesn't care. It's almost like he doesn't mind. He has this complete control and the vehicle itself represents how small and paranoid the he can be. I think that Eric isn't supposed to be a likable character its supposed to challenge the reader in deciding if we care about his ideals and what he has to say. I get the sense in this novel that the women in this novel are very knowledgeable and giving in to Eric's wants. This character has a complex about wanting things. 

Eric can't control everything, and he is losing his money and power. He can't keep going knowing that everything is not balanced. The movie itself almost seems like there is so much going on in the background yet we are in this single car and most of the novel is taking place here. Privilege effects how we see especially the main character, in which it he's seeing things in a different warped perspective in ways we can't even understand. He is losing parts of himself through the process and seeing him sort of unravel. I feel like Eric comes to find that whats important and what he is gaining ties and friendships to other people and trying to relate to them.

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